Silence Veronica Berenice Editorial I don’t want to break that implicit promise made to the readers of La Livella Magazine:., and for this reason I won’t add any words…
Silence Veronica Berenice Editorial I don’t want to break that implicit promise made to the readers of La Livella Magazine:., and for this reason I won’t add any words…
Sex RoleReversalin animals Francesco Cavraro Science In the field of reproductive ethology, a classic behavioural pattern sees males of one species competing for access to the partner (Anderson,…
The Cruelty of L. F. Céline Language chewed and spat out Luca Vidotto Literature Céline is a twentieth century Qohélet, burdened with the weight of wanting to know…
Sully Prudhomme Marco Montagnin Literature «In special recognition of his poetic composition, which gives evidence of lofty idealism, artistic perfection and a rare combination of the qualities of both heart…
God truly exists Anselm of Canterbury and the ontological argument Thomas Masini Philosophy Having dealt with the thought of Augustine of Hippo, we now turn to rational theology with…
When intimacy becomes vengeance Sara Simon Current events "Unless the act constitutes a more serious offence, any person who – after having produced or stolen sexually explicit images or videos…
Entropy and Borges: from order to disorder Michele Diego Science A porcelain vase held in our nervous hands. A frictional force is established between our fingertips and the surface of…