The physics of free will
The physics of free will Michele Diego Science The universe is a big clock, full of gears turning on each other in an orderly, predetermined manner.Since the beginning of time,…
The physics of free will Michele Diego Science The universe is a big clock, full of gears turning on each other in an orderly, predetermined manner.Since the beginning of time,…
Prison is not the same for everyone Sara Montesel Current Events The right to a fair trial, the presumption of innocence and the protection of human rights are some of…
Medea and Agamemnon Francesco Martin Current events However, are we sure that there also are no cases where the roles are switched?I know, and let me start by saying that,…
Anna Kuliscioff «The only man of the socialist party» Gisella Lombardi Literature Nearly altogether housebound, she goes back to politics full time. 1892 is the year of the founding of…
The blade of the insensitive Veronica Berenice Editorial ... it indicates a hybrid age in between childhood and adult life, leaning so much more decisively towards the first one rather…