Trying to imitate the underground communicative power of plants and the resilience they show in the face of disasters.
Art summons a plurality given that both observing and thinking are not solipsisms: we see through the eyes of all those who have influenced us, even through the timeless community in which we are included.
With our souls, at rock bottom, we publish this month’s trying issue; countless difficulties in slow journalism, when the language of the present is tainted with resentment.
Caution Ladies and Gentlemen! The brain is cunning, art is not comforting, history is a philanderer and current affairs make the knees tremble. Enjoy reading from the editorial staff.
La Livella Magazine approaches the new year self-consciously, in a pre-battle silence that is the necessary recollection since violence is one of nature’s instincts – but not the only one.
The High Priestess symbolises the secret aspect of all knowledge and, in tarot, the duality she represents is polar opposite, both the material and the spiritual universe.
Anger that turns into doubt, sadness that reveals the golden stairs, disgust that makes you fall in love and in turn controversy laughs. Leaving the chance of the odds open to all of us.
An issue that launches a new challenge: merging! We answer estrangement with a brotherly embrace.
Increasing wisdom is to grow in torment as Qohelet wrote. Increasing wisdom to grow in gentleness is how we would like to see it.
In this issue we have given space to the Authors with whom we feel close and who have stimulated some of our eurekas!
Many surfaces reflect and yet reflection is an action of an entirely different nature. Perhaps, while thinking about something, its essence is reflected within us. We therefore call this reflection.
While waiting for a symposium in some blooming garden or at a fancy dance hall, we celebrate our birthday by doing what we do best! Hoping to measure up to this special day, we wish you the best and to enjoy reading us!
Tiding over – surviving is nothing more than mankind dexterously attempting to juggle the ether, which for some may seem empty whereas for others it’s filled of substance.
Tension is a dual emotion and we deal with duality in our magazine: transcendence and attachment to our Earth. It is what shakes passion, which has never had a singular identity.
An issue for pre-dawn reflections. From battles between elementary particles to those against emus, from the challenges of history to those of current events, without ever forgetting our whimsical existence.
Interpretations are the only form of truth that is given to us. That is why our purpose is to collect as many of them possible, albeit being overwhelmed with apophenia and link them together.
La Livella, obstinate and filled with hope, for this first issue of the new year, remains faithful to its promises of curiosity. It does so with Céline, the Nobel Prize winner Prudhomme, the fortunate association between Entropy and Borges, the sex role reversal in fishes and the Revenge Porn debate. Lastly, for dessert, Philosophy! Which always and forever has the right hypothesis: “if God exists…”
Evaporate incomprehensible words behind facemasks; if today’s ways are based on listening, we suggest venturing down a new path: feeling. La Livella wishes all readers to recognise that emotions depend on our representation of the world. If we still cannot live life to the fullest, let’s be unconfined dreamers.
This month, culture represented through our apple is lifeless and subjected to dictated economics. Trapped by enlightening titles that narrate its glories, it is the sunset’s whore. Western society’s decadence requires all philosophers, poets and scientists. And so, also those of La Livella.
Eris is certainly the divinity that ravages the Earth, but this pentacle issue of La Livella wants to show the shiny fragments that arise from wars, from internal struggles, from our own arguments. Throughout big and small stories, we resort to mythology accompanied by Athena, Venus and Hera.
Beats are those you hear from the chest of your beloved. Beats accompany you on the Italian radio station, while travelling at night blinded by headlights. Beats resound from flamenco hands in the Tablao of Sevilla. Beats are the nights in Berlin when nipples swell. Beats are us, denser and ever more amused.
This issue is an attempt to hold together a capricious world, in doing so we discovered kalos eidos skopein. Between Plato, the duality of matter and endangered freedoms we remember that our journey with the apple brings us every now and then to a new horizon: two apples.
The apple has fallen from the tree of knowledge, this time landing on singularity.From Parmenides questioning existence to today’s dilemma on democratic freedom; from Hemingway’s Havana to the sea through Amado’s eyes. This issue is for all readers who are hanging in the balance between the world’s beauty and it’s fragile existence.