State-of-the-Art War
State-of-the-Art War Sara Montesel Current Events To destroy or steal the patrimony that encloses the most radicated values of a community means depriving it of its roots and with it,…
State-of-the-Art War Sara Montesel Current Events To destroy or steal the patrimony that encloses the most radicated values of a community means depriving it of its roots and with it,…
The ethics of hacktivism:the Wikileaks case Marta Bernardi Current events The more serious and widespread the harm revealed, the more the leaking is morally justified and maybe even obligatory. On…
Well, where do we go now? a shared fleeing war travel Levia Lou Current Events Exodus it is what it is: you’re driven out, expelled but ultimately to finish that…
The Law and Nomofiliachia Francesco Martin Current Events «Remota itaque iustitia quid sunt regna nisi magna latrocinia?»The issue of gender – which especially in recent years for various reasons –…
Will Empathy Save the World? Sara Montesel Current Events In the society of capitalism and homo homini lupus, to teach empathy in schools means to teach the future man or woman to…
Oriana Fallaci Letter to a child never born Sara Montesel Current events I know no form of infanticide worse than war: war is mass infanticide postponed to the age of…
Élise Féron PhD, Docent, Senior ResearchFellow at the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) Marta Bernardi Current events How can I speak “for” the victims, and, for that matter, “for” the…
Between punishment and absolution Francesco Martin Current events «It is in pardon that we are pardoned»St Francis of AssisiThe matter of the relationship between a mother and her child has,…
The vicious circleof identity politics Marta Bernardi Current events The world is falling apart. Every man for himself.The world is falling apart. Every man for himself.As one looks around, listens…
Not my problem Francesco Martin Current Events «I was in prison and you came to visit me» Matthew, 25, 36. Giving an ear to the readers’ ideas and suggestions allows the…