When intimacy becomes vengeance
When intimacy becomes vengeance Sara Simon Current events "Unless the act constitutes a more serious offence, any person who – after having produced or stolen sexually explicit images or videos…
When intimacy becomes vengeance Sara Simon Current events "Unless the act constitutes a more serious offence, any person who – after having produced or stolen sexually explicit images or videos…
The Pornhub case: profit from denied consent Sara Simon Current Events In La Livella’s last article dealing thoroughly with Revenge Porn in Italy, that focused on its victims and the…
Conscientious objection and VTP Sara Simon Current Events Italy, year 2020. A woman in her 18th week of pregnancy arrives at the hospital in Naples, the foetus already lacking a…
Ruanda: smoke and mirrors Marta Bernardi Current events Rwanda. Generally, the hearing of this name sparks a couple of different reactions. The first usually entails a quick check on the…
Xinjiang: a fading minority Sara Simon Current events “I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state”. This…
The moon over the Middle East Sara Montesel Current events In this way, Hamas and the government of Israel appear to be intimately connected nemeses in order to survive and…
Gender-based violence: The Pandora’s box that hardly anyone wants to open Marta Bernardi Current events The expression “gender-based violence” is a victim of confusion too, as it is often used…
Filter bubble, cookies andecho chambers Living in a bell jar Marta Bernardi Current events Eventually, users do not choose to access their bubble, but they are exposed to it passively.…
Frank Luntz From "Words that Work" Marta Bernardi Current Events The act of speaking is not a conquest, but a surrender. When we open our mouths, we are sharing with…
Stefano Mancuso The Nation of the Plants Sara Montesel Current Events Today we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction. An event of such magnitude that perceiving its…