Earth overshoot day: the natural debt
Earth overshoot day: the natural debt Sara Montesel Current events Mankind has succeeded in the difficult feat of changing the conditions of the planet so drastically that it has become…
Earth overshoot day: the natural debt Sara Montesel Current events Mankind has succeeded in the difficult feat of changing the conditions of the planet so drastically that it has become…
The comfort of the mass Incels and its group dynamics Marta Bernardi Current events They cannot exit the group on their own but only dive deeper in a spiral of…
Afghanistan:the art of profiting from weapons Marta Bernardi Current Events It can be regarded as an unexpected insinuation for one simple reason: why complain about a defeat when those who…
Swedish multiculturalism The quest for peaceful coexistence amid accusations of racism and hypocrisy. Sara Montesel Current events For the majority of the public, the ethnic mix in society and the…
Carbon Tax Encouraging sustainable growth while avoiding greenflation Sara Montesel Current Events Studies on the subject have shown that the current level of taxation on polluting products is low and…
The Right to Die Marta Bernardi Current events When there is no more hope and the individual needs to constantly rely on external support to keep existing – existing, not…
The Lieber case Tension between China and the US after the conviction of the potential Nobel Prize winner Sara Montesel Current events In this respect, what the Lieber case has…
Russia - Ukraine. A historical insight Sara Montesel Current events But how has this brought war back to Europe?By declaring its intention to rely on diplomacy in order to avoid…
The UN:a frozen behemoth Marta Bernardi Current events Hence, it would seem that the United Nations are at a crossroads: it can either reform itself and reclaim its rightful role,…
Aung San Suu Kyi The Mirror of a Nation Marta Bernardi Current events In this period, the expectations towards the transition in Myanmar reach their apex: internal and external observators…