The pathway to philosophy
The pathway to philosophy Introduction speech for an informed philosophy by Thomas Masini Philosophy When ancient myth is connected to rational necessity, it bears Sophia, the wisdom that doesn’t falter in front…
The pathway to philosophy Introduction speech for an informed philosophy by Thomas Masini Philosophy When ancient myth is connected to rational necessity, it bears Sophia, the wisdom that doesn’t falter in front…
Parmenides of Elea The venerable and terrible father by Thomas Masini Phylosophy Ontology arises from the words of Parmenides of Elea, pupil of Xenophanes and - as Plato wrote in…
Not to be, to be something else Plato and the Parmenidean problem Thomas Masini Philosophy Parmenides' poem had left hisdisciples with the grave task of finding a solution…
The most well-founded principle Thomas Masini Philosophy With the great philosopher Aristotle - who was Alexander the Great’s tutor - we see a general systematisation of philosophy, and a…
Part and the Whole Thomas Masini Insights (philosophy) In order to transit from ancient philosophy to medieval rational theology, it is necessary to understand the fundamental accounts of…
The Three Hypostasis Plotinus of Licopoli Thomas Masini Philosophy Plotinus' philosophy is the last great pagan philosophy capable of resisting the swift rise of Christianity. Although it is…
Halfway between God and Being Ancient philosophy and Christian theology Thomas Masini Philosophy Between the II and V century A.D. there was a period of great settlement between…
Confessions The God of Augustine Thomas Masini Philosophy Confessions, the most famous work of Saint Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, is a rather peculiar text of philosophy, both compared…
God truly exists Anselm of Canterbury and the ontological argument Thomas Masini Philosophy Having dealt with the thought of Augustine of Hippo, we now turn to rational theology with…
From Ens to God St. Thomas Aquinas Thomas Masini Philosophy Saint Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy can be regarded as the pinnacle of rational theology, both in terms of its depth…