No comfort in Art
No comfort in Art Veronica Berenice Editorial Art remains with a finger pointing at what is happening, being a copy and a picture of the historical moment. We left with the…
No comfort in Art Veronica Berenice Editorial Art remains with a finger pointing at what is happening, being a copy and a picture of the historical moment. We left with the…
How fascination fascinates Ethics and aesthetics in times of war Veronica Berenice Michele Diego Editorial Being ourselves, fascinated and fascinating others, so that the values that are higher than ourselves…
Pluto and Dionysus in Dubai Veronica Berenice Editorial In having built an ideal society where the only motto is "have fun, have your picture taken and post yourself", the experiences…
Siberian Springs Veronica Berenice Editorial Farsightedness, concreteness, and a sort of housewife's ability.When constrained by the grip of the atrocious events of recent years, we lean towards contemporary, with one…
In defence of memory Veronica Berenice Editorial ... trying to rectify/keep at bay that dangerous and 'Cain' need for supremacy that sometimes lurks even in the warmest family reservoirs.“E' uno…
Human Suggestions Veronica Berenice Editorial Change always produces unexpected consequences even where we could not imagine it. The interview with famous scholar Jordan Peterson, who became famous after a widespread sharing…
Art Thanks to the author for inspiring me Veronica Berenice Editorial Same pair. Same place. Same picture. Characters: MarcSergeYvan The main room of a flat.A single set. As stripped-down and neutral as possible.The…
A Vademecum for Decisions Veronica Berenice Editorial Immobilism is the only choice that shows itself, in our meditation, devoid of a real act of will.Our body lives a continuous revolution…
Botticelli and the rhythm of love Veronica Berenice Editorial . . . What descends to the earth as the breath of passion, returns to heaven in the spirit of contemplation…
The wall of poverty Veronica Berenice Editorial ... a problem of tomorrow, the ethical impact of which future generations will have to deal with. According to yours truly, the tragicomic statements…