The amygdala of companies
The amygdala of companies Business philosophy Nausica Manzi Philosophy Boss, manager, CEO, simple worker, are empty labels that make them only masters of nothing, everything is instead in recognizing and…
The amygdala of companies Business philosophy Nausica Manzi Philosophy Boss, manager, CEO, simple worker, are empty labels that make them only masters of nothing, everything is instead in recognizing and…
Hyper Worlds Michele Diego Science Just knowing that there are scientists who devote their careers to understanding the unintelligible, like circles and squares striving to get to the bottom of…
Enrichetta Caracciolo Gisella Lombardi Literature My story ends here, on this day that is for Italy a day for a new creation». For her, the Unification of Italy represents the…
The UN:a frozen behemoth Marta Bernardi Current events Hence, it would seem that the United Nations are at a crossroads: it can either reform itself and reclaim its rightful role,…
There is no ‘me’ without ‘you’ Valeria Sokolova Philosophy Philosophy of the Other mysteriously brings us closer to each other and at the same time teaches us to leave off…
Rosalind Franklin Women in science Elisabetta Benazzi Science Rosalind Franklin produced the now well-known Photograph 51, namely the first photo in which it was possible to see the double-helix structure…
Enrico Fermi and the Atomic Age Michele Diego Science «What is less certain, and what we fervently hope, is that man will soon grow sufficiently adult to make good use…
Andrei Sakharov, from the H Bomb to the Nobel Peace Prize Michele Diego Science Therefore, two are the Sakharovs known in Russia: the dissident and hero, i.e., the father of…
The Quantum of Charge Michele Diego Science A man with a box, two plates, and some oil can reach and touch the abyss of the infinitely small, measuring with the…
Maxwell and the Aesthetics of Light Michele Diego Science Electric and magnetic fields then begin to be visualised as fluids permeating space. An electric charge induces an electric field around…