The comfort of the mass: Incels and its group dynamics
The comfort of the mass Incels and its group dynamics Marta Bernardi Current events They cannot exit the group on their own but only dive deeper in a spiral of…
The comfort of the mass Incels and its group dynamics Marta Bernardi Current events They cannot exit the group on their own but only dive deeper in a spiral of…
Eurydice's glance Nausica Manzi Philosophy He knows that she is there, a hidden knowledge that is fundamental to his whole life. He knows that darkness does not devour, but he…
Balthus and the infinitesimal calculus Michele Diego Science Our lives are a long integral of infinitesimal instants that at each moment continues to extend by an infinitesimal amount. «Beautiful moment,…
Complex systems Giorgio Parisi Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 Michele Diego Science «For his discovery of the interaction between disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from the atomic to the…
Afghanistan:the art of profiting from weapons Marta Bernardi Current Events It can be regarded as an unexpected insinuation for one simple reason: why complain about a defeat when those who…
A statue for «the first woman of Italy»:Cristina Trivulzio Gisella Lombardi Literature When she arrives in Paris, she is already a legend. The beautiful princess, with fragile health, stands her ground…
Discret Time Michele Diego Science Although this so called granular or atomistic view of time has been proposed in the past by some thinkers and, according to some, even by…
The minestry of madness 'Big brother Sirens' and Doublethinking Nausica Manzi Philosophy Doublethinking is the sea in which contemporary mentality drowns, and the gaze of Big Brother is every 'siren' whose…
Jean-Paul Sartre: Bad faith and theunbearable heaviness of freedom Valeria Sokolova Philosophy Since mankind turns out to be captivated through bad faith, freedom plays a role of necessity in their…
Clara Maffei: the power of kindness Gisella Lombardi Literature And yet, inside a building in Milan, there was a salon , in which a dainty woman was contributing to the struggle…